Archives : Mai-2023

The Back Shed: Various aspects of home brew inverters EG8010 Nanoverter Grid-tie. schematic. code. Forums Picoverter link1 IRDAUP demo board EGD1000W V2 Push-Pull Quasi-Resonant using EGT003 ( EG1611 + EG21..

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Home Fugu Techbuilder’s FUGU Mppt (synchronous buck, 1000 W) 80V, 30A, 60uH Inductor, 39 kHz PWM, ESP32 Kicad Version: LibreSolar MPPT 2420 LibreSolar MPPT 2420-LC (20A), outdated, successor mppt-2420-hc LibreSolar MPPT 2420-HC github 80V Solar, 32V Battery, 20A, 53uH Inductor, STM32G431  DieBieMPPT makerPower™ MPPT Solar Charger Solar, 14V Battery, 38 W MPPT ..

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Low-side cascode By using 2 MOSFET, one high-voltage and one low-voltage in a cascode configuration, we can reduce the reverse recovered charge to the Qrr of the low-voltage device. This will reduce Qrr loss but add additional dead-time loss due to ~2x Vsd. The additional conduction loss is expected to be rather low, if the ..

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