Water From Air


Fog Collection

organic net
from the Tagesschau article
  • usually with plastic nets
  • canary island, Morocco, spain, portugal
  • placing nets around small trees increases humidity (and protects small trees from wind)
  • SFC assembly instructions
  • DIY: use tomato nets
  • book: unconventional water resources

Dew Collection

cool a surface below the air dew point and collect the condensed water

  • radiation cooler: white plastic foils, surf-board, white solar panel back-side, yoga mat
  • condensation cooler (using compressor or peltier)
  • comercial products
    • https://uk.trotec.com/products-services/machinery-homecomfort/dehumidification/practical-knowledge-concerning-dehumidifiers/overview-of-dehumidification-methods/condenser-dryers-with-peltier-technology/
  • there are commercial products called AWG, which are 10x the cost of an ordinary compressor dehumidifier. The only difference is probably that their condenser is made of food-safe materials
  • tracking temperature and air humidity on spot shows potentials of dew



Kim at al (Water harvesting from air)

* build a tomato-net around small trees
* build fog net prototype
* buy a room dehumidifier
* dew journal

COmpressor based commercial

  • Dewstand